Glass Painting Supplies...

Glass Painting Supplies...

Visit to order glass paint for painting glass for all kinds of applications such as the stunning glass counter tops, colored glass back splashes, colored glass panels and more....

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(888) 619-2226

With Glassprimer™ glass paints from , you can permanently back paint glass for less than $1.00 per square foot! Back painting glass is easy with Glassprimer™ one step self priming glass paint. Simply clean the glass surface and then paint it to achieve a professional colored glass product.

Glassprimer™ glass paint is specially formulated with active glass surface molecular modifying technology that creates a one step permanent bond. Dont worry about peeling, cracking, de laminating or bubbling paint on glass with glassprimer™ glass paints. Professional grade, easy to use, cost effective, reliable!

Call today !
(888) 619-2226

Professional Grade Glass Paint by Glassprimer™

Opaque - Translucent - Metallic - Free Color Matching

(888) 619-2226
USA Dist.

Glass Painting Supplies

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